How We are Different
Our publications are about the neighborhoods, the people next door, the events in town, the activities down the street, as well as the latest political trends which affect their lives.

Why We Are Unique ...
Part newspaper, part neighborhood chronicle, the papers are best known for bringing people stories about people - their neighbors, their friends, the people who make the town they live in a community, the region's news and picture weeklies.
The papers are tightly written, lively and personal. Our feature stories investigate trends, report on what people are doing, and what their life is like today. The writing hits our readers where they live, while our columnists bring them laughter, poignance, wit and wisdom with their commentaries on the passing scene.
The front news sections of the papers provide information everyone needs in order to keep pace with life in a contemporary suburban community. What's going on in the local schools, who's changing hats at the town hall, when are they going to break ground for the new shopping center, why are zoning regulations changing? When do meetings take place? Who is being honored? What are the churches, organizations, senior citizens' groups doing? We tell them. But we do more than that. With our generous use of candid and often heart-warming photography we show them, too!
According to statistics, our local reach is special to a wide range of potential advertisers. The great majority of our readers own their own homes, shop locally, and have proven to be among the state's most prosperous.
Over 43% of our North County readership is between the ages of 25 and 54. Close to 30% of our readers are college graduates holding associate's degrees or higher, while over 15% have some college education and 30.7% are high school graduates.
While they have the papers, they are reading them, too! 55.8% of our readers always read the ads in the paper, and another 22.5% almost always read them. Not only that, nearly 83% of the readers spend between a quarter and three quarters of their shopping dollars right in the North County area. And it looks as if they plan to do so for some time. Some 73.4% of our readers have lived in North County 10 years or more and another 11.2 percent have been here 6-10 years.

According to statistics provided by the Economic Development Corporation and our own readership survey, Our reach area is special to a wide range of potential advertisers. The great majority of our readers own their own homes, shop locally, and have proven to be among the state's most prosperous.
Our three news and picture weeklies, two dailies, 3 monthly tabloid cover all the towns and villages in northwestern Rhode Island: Greenville, Smithfield, Scituate, Foster, Glocester, Johnston, and North Providence. Our journal, dailies and tabloid cover all age group. Learn how Observatorio Politica Social, Polito Map, and The Sun Rise Journal can make a difference in your life and your business.
An astounding 73% of North County residents own their own homes and over 37% have household incomes between $25,000 and $49,000. Over 32% have incomes of over $50,000.